Microsoft TechEd 2008 - WCF and Open Source Interoperability

I was there, in Orlando, FL, at the Microsoft TechEd 2008. Jonathan was part of the keynote, and was on stage, demonstrating WSO2 WSF/PHP and WSO2 WSAS stock trader application interoperating with Microsoft .NET implementation.

I was back stage, following the demo. And on Sunday, prior to the keynote, I set up the PHP and Java applications to interop with .NET application. WSO2 stock trader components in PHP and Java  started working quickly with Microsoft implementation, and WSO2 solutions seem pretty simple and straightforward. The sample apps ran for more than 48 hours on the two machines, and we did not face any major technical problems whatsoever. WS-Security between the business layer and order processing layer worked out of the box, seamlessly. It really demonstrated that Web services really work, out of the box, between heterogeneous systems, a success story for SOA.

The ability to swap different layers of the application implemented with different technologies and to be assured that they would work seamless preserving expected behavior was a very pleasant experience for me.  

The demo involved Apache projects, WSO2 Projects and PHP form the open source front and .NET, WCF and MSSQL from Microsoft front. It is a fact that we live in a heterogeneous world, and Web services interoperability demonstrated through stock trader application shows that the worlds that deemed to be rivals, could live in harmony with each other.
