Most Exciting Features of Upcoming WSO2 WSF/PHP 1.2.0 Release

We have packed and tested WSO2 Web services framework version 1.2.0. Release note will go out next Monday.

I am very excited about this release. The key features to look out for are:

  • WSDL generation
    • We have improved the code first model a great deal. This release will have the greatest WSDL generation capabilities that the PHP world has ever seen
  • WSDL Mode improvements
    • Now you can provide a WSDL with security policies and the framework is capable of dealing with those policies and enforce them
  • Class mapping support for services
    • So far we only supported exposing PHP functions as Web service operations. This release has added support to expose the member functions of a PHP class as service operations
  • We also have provided Windows and Linux binaries of the framework that that would work with Zend Core
  • We have also added a Pecl install package for those Pecl fans (you need to download and install Web services Framework for C first)

As always, it is open source (Apache 2.0  license) and free to download and use as you wish. Download now and enjoy these excitements!!!
