WSO2 WSF/PHP, has released the 1.3.0 version. You can download the latest WSF/PHP 1.3.0 now!!
I would call wsdl2php.php script as the ground breaking feature of this release. This script will generate code, both client or service code, for a given WSDL. No more manual parameter mapping, no more XML hand coding, and no more worry about understanding the complex types and operations in a WSDL. Now you can just fill in the TODO sections in the generated code, and be done with it. You just have to deal with the PHP code that you are familiar with.
I can call WSF/PHP to be the one and only PHP Web services extension with the greatest support for WSDL schema constructs right now. We have spent considerable amount of time and effort to get this right.
Apart form the WSDL support, HTTP basic authentication, SWA attachment support and custom security token support are also major improvements in WSF/PHP 1.3.0 release.
The good news is, we are not done yet. The next release, WSF/PHP 2.0.0 is going to revolutionize the Web services support in PHP, with the planed REST support enhancement.