Apache Axis2/C AMQP Transport based on Apache Qpid

Rajith blogs: Danushka Menikkumbura has got AMQP support going for Axis2/C via the Apache Qpid project. The addition of the AMQP transport to Apache Axis2/C brings a whole lot of new possibilities and opportunities. We could implement an "Ultra fast messaging gateway" with this. I am not sure how fast "ultra fast" would be, but I am sure it will be fast and it would be interesting to see how it goes.

Suran Jayathilaka, also got the JMS transport in Axis2/Java to talk with a Qpid AMQP broker recently. Suran has also written an article on How to configure Axis2 to talk to a Qpid AMQP broker. In this article, Suran has given a brief intro to what AMQP is, that helps to understand why we should care about AMQP:

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an application layer protocol for Message Oriented Middleware that is built on open standards. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.(source : Wikipedia).

According to amqp.org, the AMQP specification is being developed in response to internal requirements, market demand and electronic trading needs of partners, with the objective of providing a messaging infrastructure that provides businesses with a simple and more powerful way of connecting messaging dependent applications both within and between firms. The messaging infrastructure is intended to be:

  • broadly applicable for enterprise use
  • completely open
  • platform agnostic
  • interoperable

Simply put, AMQP is an open Internet Protocol for business messaging.
