I found this article that discusses the WSO2 ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), support for the FIX (Financial Information eXchange) protocol.

The summary is:

The WSO2 ESB can accepts orders, submissions and order instructions on protocols such as FIX, AMQP, HTTP and  dispatches them to endpoints that accept messages using FIX, AMQP, HTTP protocols. The WSO2 ESB is able to route, smart route, transform and persist incoming messages based on user configurations. Users can use the Web-based GUI to configure scenarios, where the user-friendly graphical interface provides rich functionality to configure, manage and monitor activities. Users can handover message transformation and transport to the WSO2 ESB and concentrate on the business logic of such applications.

The WSO2 ESB 1.7 provides both FIX and AMQP transport support - the two widely used protocols in the financial community.
