I have been blogging about the progress of WSO2 Carbon along the way. Since I last told that we are 75% done, it was silence for some time. I was busy with the tem, and it looked as if it would never end. However, it has finally reached stability and is ready to be released. Last couple of weeks, we did some release candidates, and we hit some serious bugs as well. But the good news is that we have been able to overcome those and get over those issues.
Not only we have built a novel platform, but we also have fixed some major bugs in the previous platform. The kind of improvements done to the Registry is remarkable, in the performance, concurrent transactions and usability spaces. ESB has major improvements in the UI space, as well as in the functionality, in terms of security, RM and transactions. Business process server is the new kid on the block, but already comprehensive. On Friday, Charitha tried security and RM on the services deployed with BPS, and worked like a charm, thanks to the power of the Carbon platform.
We have done so much over the past four months. However, there are open bugs. There are many possible improvements. There are many lessons learned. And there are many more lessons yet to be learned. So it is not the end of the Carbon story. Just the beginning. Welcome to WSO2 Carbon era. Be part of the experience.