SOA Governance - Introduction

SOA Governance is something that you have to built to make sure that you are in control of what your SOA is all about. SOA brings so much flexibility that it becomes too much flexible at times that anyone could do whatever they wish. And we all know what it means when everyone cooks.

Services, ready to be used out of the box, will result in a mesh of complexity after some time. People will struggle with figuring out what to use, when to use, and how to use services when solving their own problems.

Missing SOA governance is one of the main reasons for SOA projects to fail. Governance is not something that is optional in your SOA adoption.

The key ingredients of SOA governance includes service registry and policy enforcement. Policies are to be enforced thought the life cycle of a service. Both business as well as IT goals are to be facilitated through these policies. The service registry helps us store and retrieve meta data related to services, and maintain those meta data in a useful manner. Associating various service meta data artifacts, defining dependencies among those and maintaining multiple versions are some of the most sought after features in a service registry.
