Writing Google Gadgets

I wrote a four part tutorial recently on how to write Google gadgets. This tutorial expands beyond a simple “Hello World” sample, and dives into the key concepts of writing Gadgets. The tutorial uses WSO2 Gadget Server as the hosting engine for the sample gadgets.

When writing a Google gadget, you need to understand the anatomy of a gadget, and have a good idea of what each section of the gadget is meant to be, and how to use each section to maximize the utility of the gadget.

The tutorial explains the use of these sections in detail, and how to make use of each over the span of the sour parts of the tutorial.

Google gadgets can be used as a powerful tool, specially as a visualization and presentation tool in the SOA space. It offers features that can help you build versatile, productive and powerful dashboards for your day to-day monitoring as well as for data analysis for decision support.

The series of tutorials start simple and go on explaining how to build gadgets that can be re-used, and use various views and gadget and user preferences.

Here is the TOC:

Writing Google Gadgets - A tutorial - Part 01

        Google Gadgets Basics

                Anatomy of a Gadget

                Basic Gadget Example - Hello Gadget

                Hello Gadget in Action

        Pulling Information from the Web into a Gadget

                Content Type URL Gadgets

                Content Type HTML Gadgets

                Pulling Information into a Gadget with makeRequest

        Dynamic Height with Google Gadgets

Writing Google Gadgets – A tutorial – Part 02

        Processing Fetched HTML with JavaScript

        Using TEXT vs DOM Content Type when Working with HTML

        Using External JavaScript Libraries

Writing Google Gadgets - A tutorial - Part 03

        Setting User Preferences

                Using enum Data Type as an Options List

                Using Boolean Data Type

                Integer Settings with String Data Type

                Setting Preferences from Within the Gadget

        Dealing with Views

Writing Google Gadgets – A tutorial – Part 04

        Versatility of Google Gadgets as a Presentation Instrument

        The Complete Google Gadget Code

        Tips and Tricks

                Error Handling

                Incremental Development

                When Things go wrong: F12

                Always Test with IE

                Use an IDE

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