Getting Started with WSO2 ESB

Video on getting started with WSO2 ESB can be found on YouTube.
WSO2 ESB–Getting Started
Here is a summary of the presentation.


WSO2 ESB can be used as the integration product of your organization. WSO2 ESB can be used to:
  • Integrate diverse systems and services
  • Support various enterprise integration patterns (EIP)
  • Plethora of protocols
  • Numerous business adaptors

Getting Started

  • Pre-requisites
    1. Have Java installed
    2. Have the JAVA_HOME set
  1. Download WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file
  3. Note the folder structure of the extracted binary distribution
  4. Go to bin folder on a command line
  5. Run wso2server.bat file
  6. Management console URL will be printed on the console. Copy and paste it to Web browser
  7. Login using username: admin & password: admin
  8. When logged in, you are directed to home page of ESB
  9. Note the left panel, of key importance are “Service Bus” section and also the Web services section where proxy services are listed
  10. Go to sequences, under “Service Bus” section in left menu
  11. You will see the main & fault sequences listed
  12. Click on main sequence and you can see the mediation flow of main sequence
  13. Note that you can design the sequence flow using the management console
You can start the ESB within few seconds and get moving with using it in quick time. You can use it to design your sequence flows on the fly. Tags:
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