WSO2 ESB 4.5 is Released

The latest release of WSO2 ESB is now available, and the integrated multi tenancy is a key feature that you get along with the product, thanks to the cloud readiness of the WSO2 Carbon middleware platform. This helps uses ensure that they are using a product that is future proof, when they want to leverage the cloud, when they feel ready.

In addition to the stability and performance that the WSO2 ESB is known for, there are numerous enhancements in this release.

Brand New in This Release
  • Multi-tenant support in standalone deployment
  • XSLT 2.0 support in
  • XPath 2.0 function support
  • EJB mediator
  • MSMQ support
  • SNMP monitoring support
  • Mediation library support - Experimental
  • SAP adapter with IDOC and experimental BAPI support
  • JSON support including JSON streaming support
  • Improved Endpoint UI
  • Improved REST API UI
  • Improved message stores and processors UI
  • Mediation performance

In addition to these product specific new features and enhancements, there are numerous platform wide improvements shipped with the product, that includes distributed deployment synchronization, cluster management and development & runtime governance.

Try the latest WSO2 ESB today!


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