
It takes a lifetime to understand life.

Sometimes, you tend to think that you wish you knew it earlier. But the reality is, you get to live it to get to know it. That is the way life is.

No matter how many inspirational quotes you happen to read, and no matter how inspirational those people who invented those quotes are, until you hit the experience level in life that make you understand those quotes yourself, you will not make sense out of those, even you might think they are good and inspiring.

This is one of the key reasons why people appreciate with age. All other sources on this earth depreciate with time. But people appreciate with time. This is why more experienced people get paid more, and the amount you earn when you are older is much higher than what you earned when you were young. And this is why the human “resource” concept is broken, because, if you were a resource, you would have depreciated over time, than appreciating. People understand stuff when they grow older, and they can do stuff better because they know better.

Sometimes, kids pass Advanced Level exam, and they think they know the best. Then they go to university, and they understand that they know nothing. Then they reach the pass out state after three/four years, and then again think they know everything. Then they go to the job, and again realize they know nothing. After couple of years, they again tend to think that now they know everything in the space they are working in. Then they switch jobs, and then again they realize that they know nothing. And it goes on…

Everyone need to understand life on their own. Until you hit your ‘aha’ points on your own, you will not see it. And the ‘aha’ points never end.

So, the truth of the matter is, there are no short-cuts in life. You got to live it to learn it. You got to take time to understand it.

You may wish that, if you knew it, you might have done better. But the truth is, there is no way you could have known.

How often have you seen the adults refer to a child’s behavior and say “There is no point telling this kid. How many times have I told this, and still you keep repeating the same old thing”. The point is, may be we have told the kids, but it will take time for them to see it, and then to understand.

I have seen many people often regrets the past mistakes they have done. They keep on regretting, and wish they never did it, and blame the current state of life on that one mistake. The point is, if you did not do that, you will not have understood by now that it was a mistake, and the chances are, since you did not know at the beginning, even if you could have skipped the first instance, you could have done it soon after that, since you never knew. So it is pointless to worry about what mistakes happened. It is more important to learn form those and seek how to adopt and move on.

And, finally, if you ever happen to read this blog, never worry about understanding it. Go ahead and live your life they way you want, and enjoy. That is the whole point here, I cannot help you make sense out of your life. You are on your own. I wish, our religious and political leaders could understand this aspect of life one of these days … may be they want more time for that!


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shriwithjava said…
Very nice....loved it.. :)
Shri Kant
Peter said…
Nice article. It makes a lot of sense.

Recently I saw the Dutch rapper Ali B. on TV in a recorded theater show. He was very aware of being a nobody when trying to do something new. He felt a nobody when he went from rapping to doing theater. Now that he has experience with theater, he said he would probably want to do something else, and start as a nobody again. He made it look a goal in life: being a nobody, so that he can grow. As soon as he is somebody again, he moves on trying something new, as a nobody.
Anonymous said…
Reading this for 3rd time. seems It's time to write new one with "Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened."