Motor Skills in Web UX Design

Motor skills are an important aspect to take into account in Web designs.

Motor skills are about user's ability to physically manipulate devices such as mouse or keyboard and interact with the Web page.

For example, how much mouse movement around the page is required to get things done is an important concern to address in the overall design of the page. On one hand, a user with poor motor skills will have trouble with a UI that requires extensive mouse movement and input. On the other hand, it will also have an impact on the productivity of the users, even of they have good motor skills.

Also, over time, when the user gets familiar with the user interface with extensive use, the user will naturally want to minimize the number of interactions, to get stuff done faster. When the users reach that stage, they would look to see for keyboard shortcuts rather than use mouse inputs. This is why heavy user interactive Web applications such as Gmail[1] and Jira[2] always provide keyboard shortcuts for traversal and actions in their Web applications.

Mouse input is good for novice users, but make sure to make it really productive to use mouse. Keyboard shortcuts are useful for advanced users, and would boost productivity by several factors, given the user's motor skills to use the keyboard effectively as well as the ability remember the shortcut key combinations. 
